Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Top 10 foods for women

!±8± Top 10 foods for women

Beans and legumes

Beans and legumes should be included in the diet of all, but are particularly important for women. They are very nutritious, low in fat and an excellent source of vegetable protein. A high fiber diet is one of the first components of cancer screening and colorectal cancer than women die from breast cancer every year, it makes sense to eat lots of beans. This group of foods contain phytoestrogens, natural plant hormones, which alsoProtection against cancer, but also as important for bone health.


Kale is an often overlooked plant that seems to be loaded with folate (folic acid), a B vitamin important for women. With a shortage of folic acid during pregnancy can cause neural tube defects in children. In the United Kingdom, all women of childbearing age are now convinced that 400 micrograms of folic acid daily need. Kale is also an excellent source of vitamin C and calcium, too.


Orange pumpkins (and tubers) like squash, pumpkin and sweet potatoes are the best friends a girl when it comes to nutritious food for comfort. All these foods filled with calories and rich in beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, which many of his magic works as an antioxidant in your body. Antioxidants are important anti-aging and helps repair and regenerate the skin and other tissues. Beta-carotene is also thought to help reduce the risk ofBreast cancer.

Linseed (flaxseed)

Flaxseed (or linseed) and flaxseed oil have so much to offer to women. For starters, flax is rich in omega-3 help "essential" fatty acids (EFA), a female hormone balance, protect a woman from heart disease (the leading cause of premature deaths in women) and the pain of arthritis. The flax fibers called lignans, which contain phytoestrogens, are currently being researched and very promising in cancer prevention. Lignansare also believed to have antioxidant properties. The best way to get the benefits of flax oil, is used in a clean coffee grinder to grind just for this purpose. Alternatively, use a pestle and mortar, and sprinkle with cereal in the morning or paste in a bowl with yogurt and fruit. Essential fatty acids are very fragile, unstable and prone to oxidation when exposed to light and air. Within the whole seeds, the oil is protected. How to buy fresh, organic seedsif possible. You can eat everything, but only chew!

Foods rich in iron

Women need to eat more foods rich in iron. It can first of iron from food (as opposed to a supplement) is by far the best way to get the right amount of iron the body needs to obtain and absorb. Lean red meat and poultry are dark, the ideal food sources of iron. Unfortunately this is not very helpful if you are vegetarian or one of many women to avoid red meat. In this case, think of eating morefollowing iron-rich foods ... Lentils, dried apricots, beans, spinach, enriched grains, pumpkin seeds and oysters! If you need to take a supplement, are the best choice easy iron (Higher Nature Ltd), an organic food form of iron, Floradix, an herbal tonic rich in iron. Increase your intake of vitamin C, which can absorb non-heme iron sources.


Soy foods (including beans, tofu, soy milk and yogurt, soy sauce, miso and tamari) areThe richest dietary sources of phytoestrogens (like soy protein). The natural plant substances - phytoestrogens - are now believed to be beneficial in maintaining bone density, and the best "alternative" to hormone replacement therapy in which many women need support hormonal entering menopause. Tofu, milk and yogurt are also excellent sources of calcium. All these foods can help a woman significantly lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise the good (HDL). Tofu is a great source oflow-fat, vegetable protein, used as a vegetable in a pan with soy sauce and brown rice. Try Cauldron Foods tofu.


Broccoli is not only a good source of calcium and B vitamins, contains substances called plant sulphurophanes. These plant chemicals are cancer-protective and helps the liver clear excess estrogen. Today we only produce estrogen internally, but we are exposed to it in the form of estrogen-like chemicalare plastic, tap water and other malicious sites. Excess estrogen causes weight gain, hormonal disturbances, night sweats, and represents an increased risk of fibroids, breast cysts, breast cancer and endometriosis.

Calcium and magnesium - rich foods

Women of all ages need enough calcium in their diet to build and maintain strong bones. Foods rich in calcium, which are also good sources of magnesium (and other nutrients), go a long way to support bone and heart health.Magnesium is the nutrient that plays an important role in the creation of new bone, think of seeds and nuts as a supplement to a healthy whole grains. Calcium, magnesium and potassium are minerals to neutralize. The bones act as a reservoir for this very important alkaline minerals that help released, neutralize the acids in the body. If your body is very acidic (in this case, if so much animal protein, eating or smoking and drinking too much alcohol, or be over-emphasized), the boneneed to donate their minerals to restore the pH balance. This can deplete the bones, making them brittle and weak.

The UK RNI for calcium is 700 milligrams a day, but many experts believe that there should be more similar to 1200-1500 milligrams per day. If you consider the epidemic of osteoporosis and heart disease in women, it is advisable, one or increase your intake of these foods ... Only natural yogurt, which is not only a source of beneficial bacteria in the colon for goodHealth, it is much easier to digest than other dairy products), parmesan (again easy to digest), and goat cheese, salmon bone jams, fresh grilled sardines, cabbage, almonds and sunflower seeds, tofu, fortified milk "SoGood "soy (20% more calcium than cow's milk) and yogurt" Provamel "soy. Replace the milk with soy milk and yogurt in the diet provides all the benefits of soy protein, reducing the amount of animal fat in the diet. A 100g portion125g tofu or yogurt to provide 200mg of calcium. An ounce of Parmesan cheese provides calcium 390mg and 300mg a huge 100g tin pink salmon. Do not forget your fruits and vegetables ... the latest research on the health of bones shows that women who have more fruits and vegetables in the diet tend to have higher bone density. Fruits and vegetables contain a number of micronutrients such as magnesium, vitamin C and boron Now we know that they play an equally important role in boneMetabolism.

If you think you need to get enough calcium, remember that football should be taken with magnesium in a 2:1 ratio. This is because calcium and magnesium need each other for proper absorption and utilization of the body. So if you integrate with 500 mg of calcium, you should take 250 mg of magnesium at the same time. Most reliable companies now make amendments which take account of this, as well as the synergy "need" for nutrients other participantswhole process of bone metabolism. Choose carefully.


Water is a nutrient and the fact is, we need it ... and in abundance. Sure, water is one of the best tools in the game of weight loss. Not only suppresses appetite but also helps the body metabolize stored fat. Water keeps the body tissues well supplied with liquid, so if smooth line without skin for so long as you can of course want to know ... ! Drink

Salmon and other fatty fish (in moderation)

Salmon was immediatelyavoided in favor of white fish or sole, because the higher fat content. However, if we understand the value and benefits of the essential "omega-3 fatty acids" in salmon and other fatty fish, was again on the plate.
However, the time has come for the food-conscious people driving away from fatty fish again (or at least reduce) are not due to fat content, but due to the presence of harmful chemicals and metals. Fish such as mackerel, salmon and swordfish areknown to contain high levels of potentially carcinogenic chemicals, and others, including sharks, marlin, swordfish and snapper contain the highest concentrations of mercury. These large, long-lived predatory fish and mammals tend to accumulate more mercury from the environment as a short-lived fish.
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) recommends that we eat 2-4 servings of fish per week, and 1-2 should be at least one oily varieties. Pregnant mothers are the only group to limit oil mustThe intake of fish to two servings a week, but not to avoid fish altogether. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for brain development of the child. Many people often prefer to uncontaminated fish oil, flaxseed or keep as a source of omega-3. Nutri Eskimo Oil is one of the best non-contaminated fish oils on the market and contains fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin E to ensure that fish oils do not oxidize in the body.
Remember, omega-3 fatty acids are essential for good health and freedom fromDiseases such as Alzheimer's, cancer, depression, diabetes, heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis ... as I said, not to avoid fish altogether, as fish oil is clearly the richest source of omega-3 that we know. Important Omega-3 fatty acids DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) - from fish oil and algae - and alpha-linolenic acid, generally made from vegetable sources like flaxseed oil. In a healthy person, can be converted linolenic acid to DHA and EPA, provided that the proper enzymesexist. However, it is only 2% of alpha-linolenic acid found in flax oil EPA actually converted ... much less than what is found in fish oil. EPA and DHA significantly lower to avoid the risk of heart disease by lowering LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, blood platelets sticky and can lower blood pressure. They also promote good bone health, heart health and breast health. DHA is particularly important during brain development, is a popular addition and usefulPregnancy.

Re: canned fish - tuna During the preparation of all the fat you lose, then canned tuna does not count as oily fish. The canning process of fish (salmon, sardines, anchovies, etc.) is different from tuna and has no influence on the content of fish oil. While the canning process of stability and integrity of sensitive fish oils is influenced not yet fully understood. The presence of mercury and toxic chemicals, I guess it is different in degree ofvs. fresh fish.

Compensate for eating fruit on the mercury-absorption?

To take advantage of fish to minimize exposure to mercury, some tropical fruits to eat sweets ... Foods rich in antioxidants in tropical fruits such as mango, pineapple, banana and papaya, may help reduce the amount of mercury that your body absorbs, according to a study published recently in Environmental Research (2003).
This particular study was a prospective 12-month food, conducted with 26 adult women from aThey feed on fish communities in the Brazilian Amazon. They found a strong correlation between fish consumption and mercury (Hg) in hair. No wonder you can think of .... What was surprising and very interesting was the finding that this strong relationship changed significantly by the consumption of fruit: for the same number of fish dishes, were those who ate more tropical fruits lower levels of hair mercury. The results of this study show different ways of maintaining fish consumption whileReduce exposure to mercury in the Amazon. A number of phytochemicals and fiber fruit that can interact with Hg in several ways: absorption and excretion of transport, binding to target proteins, metabolism and sequestration.
Further research on the largest of the world population would further clarify the scope and the implications for public health use of fruits to counteract the toxic effects of methyl mercury.

Try this delicious fish dish ... with mercury minimumExposure!

Fresh tuna steak with mango salsa
(Serves 2)

2 fresh tuna steaks, marinated in olive oil and garlic

For the sauce:
1 whole mango, peeled, trimmed and chopped off the stone
A small piece of freshly chopped ginger root
A handful of chopped fresh coriander
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar and 1 tablespoon of olive oil mixed
Juice of half a lemon or lime
Ground black pepper to taste

Enter theSteaks in a pan. Skillet over medium heat until opaque on the outside and slightly pink in the middle.
While the fish is cooking, combine all sauce ingredients into a bowl and mix thoroughly.
Serve the fish alongside the mango sauce and a large mixed salad.

Top 10 foods for women

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